Derby Moor Academy students hold the water wheels they made as part of a workshop session on The Makory – photo Derby Museums alt

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Enhancing School Achievement

Derby Museums delivers 18 different school learning sessions for pupils in Key Stage 1 and 2, bringing the curriculum to life with a focus on STEAM learning. Our sessions are co-produced with teachers, pupils and people in industry and have been recognised by the National Sandford Award for their excellence.  Since 2016 25,000 school children have taken part in our learning sessions. This number will significantly increase with the opening of the Museum of Making, extending our education offer to secondary schools and children with special needs.

“Our children were totally enthralled and inspired by the learning experiences and exhibits in the Nature Room, Archaeology Room and World Cultures including the mummies. We have used our visit to the museum in school to develop the children’s’ learning in many ways.”

Local Teacher